Monday, September 4, 2017

Top to best methods to sell your Rolex watch

 Guides on how to buy used watches are far more common than guides on how to sell Rolex watch.

This article will point you in the right direction by giving you a few options.

1) Firstly you should be sure that your Rolex watch is in the finest probable form.

The simplest and cheapest method is to give Rolex watch a first-class external clean.

Just clean over the watch with a watch clean fabric and then inspect for any cut etc.

If you have main scratch harm then think if it’s worth getting the timepiece efficiently polished at your local watch dealer.

If it is light damage then it shouldn't be too much of a problem selling it as is, but if it is heavy damage then you should consider the cost of polishing versus what you will lose in resale value and make a decision about getting it polished.

2) You should try to ensure that you have any boxes and papers that are part of the original packaging.

The more you have with regards to the original packaging and the better condition it is in, the better price you can command for you watch, especially with private buyers, sellers do not take this issue too heavily into thought, but it does assist.

Warranties are not usually too much of a concern as they are of no use to the new owner in almost all cases due to the registration policies of most watch retailers with the brands when the watch is purchased new.

You basically have 4 options when you decide to sell your used watch.

a) Private sale.

A private sale is between you and another person face to face.

This can be to a friend or relative, or it can be someone who has enquirer about the watch you have advertised for sale.

You can advertise used watches in classified ads both online and offline or even via your website.
Caution should be used in using this method. Common sense dictates that there are many dishonest people in the world and an individual who organizes to gather you to by the watch after answering one of your ads can not come with the intention to give you money when they leave with the watch. That is putting it very mildly.

b) Auction sale.

There are of course several famous auction sites that will enable you to sell Rolex watch in a safe manner and this is by far the best and safest method with which to sell your used watch to a stranger.
The scope of prospective buyers is huge, but be sure to follow all guidelines and be honest about the watch when you enter you listing. Price it fairly and fulfill what you offer.

c) Sell to a dealer.

Selling to a watch dealer is a safe and easy way to sell a used watch but will also bring the lowest return.

Watch dealers will buy the watch at a far lower price than a private individual because the dealer has to perform checks on the watch and any repairs, they also have to try to sell it at market price be able to discount to close the deal, pay commission to the sales people and of course make a profit.

Watch stores who carry pre owned watch selections and of course pawn shops are your best port of call for dealer sales.